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Friday, December 6, 2013

Alkaline Water Help Got Rid of My Gout

Written by Vic Alcazar
Dec. 06, 2013

It's been five years now since I started drinking alkaline (Kangen) water.

Today as a retired maintenance worker in New York City, I feel more healthier, happier and gout free!

Most people believed, especially in the United States, that manufactured bottled water with signature brand are the healthier choice of drink, instead of coffee, tea, sodas and other manufactured drinks.

The US Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced and found that manufactured bottled water are not safer to consume than the tap water from your kitchen sink.

Since 2008 I drink 7 to 8 regular glasses of  alkaline (Kangen) water and help me maintain my good metabolism. I feel to this date healthier, emotionally stable and best of all very active in outdoor activities. My wife Fellie and I are very much enjoying our retirement days. Fishing is one of our favorite outdoor activity especially from spring, summer and fall.

Kangen water has done great wonder for both of us. Kangen water can also help the common indegsition most people suffer after eating a gourmet meal. My wife is a good cook and we savour almost any restaurant like recipes she cook. Drinking Kangen water after a moderate good meal will prevent bloating and indigestion! Change your water and it will change your life.

Enagic USA has been in this industry since 1974. Recently their top of the line SD-501 Kangen Ionizer was upgraded to a more advance model. Check the link below and find the specifications and system of this new model named,  LEVELUK SD-501 PLATINUM.


For more info email me at:  vic.alcazar84@gmail.com
Phone: 201-795-5137 or 551-221-9033

Vic Alcazar
Enagic USA Distributor